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Download ebook Hart Studies in Constitutional Law: Lord Sumption and Human Rights (2016, Hardcover) in EPUB


In Lord Sumption and Human Rights leading public law scholars reflect on the nature and limits of the judicial role and its implications for human rights protection and democracy. The starting point for this reflection is Lord Sumption's lecture, 'The Limits of the Law', and, spurred on by this, the contributors discuss questions including the scope and legitimacy of judicial law-making, the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the continuing significance and legitimacy, or otherwise, of the European Court of Human Rights. Lord Sumption ends the volume with a substantial paper engaging with the responses to his lecture., In Lord Sumption and the Limits of the Law , leading public law scholars reflect on the nature and limits of the judicial role, and its implications for human rights protection and democracy. The starting point for this reflection is Lord Sumption's lecture, 'The Limits of the Law', and, spurred on by this, the contributors discuss questions including the scope and legitimacy of judicial law-making, the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the continuing significance and legitimacy, or otherwise, of the European Court of Human Rights. Lord Sumption ends the volume with a substantial chapter engaging with the responses to his lecture., Jonathan Sumption, or Lord Sumption, is a British judge, author, and medieval historian. In Lord Sumption and the Limits of the Law, leading public law scholars reflect on the nature and limits of the judicial role and its implications for human rights protection and democracy. The starting point for this reflection is Lord Sumption's lecture, 'The Limits of the Law, ' and, spurred on by this, the book's contributors discuss questions including the scope and legitimacy of judicial law-making, the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the continuing significance and legitimacy, or otherwise, of the European Court of Human Rights. The book ends with a substantial paper by Lord Sumption, engaging with the responses to his lecture. It will be an engaging read for scholars of constitutional law and human rights. (Series: Hart Studies in Constitutional Law) Subject: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights Law

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